Yes. Accessibility is essential and should be at the forefront of course planning.  If you are concerned about accommodations for a class, please contact SAS. The Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights (OCR), and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) mandate students' rights to accommodations and their right to file complaints (OCR) and/or lawsuits (ADA) against the University if these accommodations are not provided. 

Interaction with students with disabilities is the same as with any other student. Listen to what they have to say. To have their requests for disability accommodations verified, students must be registered with SAS. Ask students who are self-identifying with a disability about their SAS registration status. Accommodations should not be granted unless the student presents their Notification Letter from SAS. 

No. Students are not required nor should they be asked to disclose the nature of their disability.  Additionally, students should not be asked to provide faculty and staff with copies of their disability documentation. Students requesting accommodations are only required to provide a Notification Letter from SAS stating that they have a documented disability on file. 

Accommodations are typically approved on an ongoing basis after a student is determined eligible. These plans remain active throughout the remainder of a student’s time on campus. In some cases where temporary disabilities are present or a student does not have access to documentation when initially meeting with an SAS coordinator, plans may be temporary or provisional and require review in order to be extended to future semesters. 

If a student has temporary accommodations, there will be an expiration date listed under the accommodation on their Notification Letter.

Yes. There are times when students receive new diagnoses or experience new impacts and barriers that result in a review of their accommodation plan. Students need to reconnect with SAS and talk about changes that they are experiencing. If applicable, a new Notification Letter will be generated. Again, this may happen mid-semester. 

As stated in the Notification Letter, students are required to communicate directly with their instructors to coordinate their accommodations for a course. Instructors are entitled to reasonable notification of a student’s accommodations, typically one week. 

No. Students are not required to disclose their disability to their instructors. If you receive a Notification Letter for a student in your class, SAS staff have already determined their eligibility for accommodations. Do NOT ask a student questions about their disability. If a student feels comfortable and chooses to disclose information to you, they have the right to do so.  

Clarify that you have received the most updated version of their Notification Letter from SAS. If the accommodation they are asking for is not listed on their letter, you are not required to provide it.  

  • Ability to take all exams from home 
  • Ability to attend an in-person course via Zoom 
  • Ability to turn in all coursework at the end of the semester instead of at required deadlines  
  • Extending all deadlines for assignments 
  • A number of absences that would interfere with the student’s ability to successfully complete the course  
  • Retroactive accommodation implementation  
  • Alternative assignments to assessments 
  • Alternative assignments to presentations, projects, or major course requirements 
  • Creating an online section specifically for the student requesting 

Request a Presentation

Student Accessibility Services (SAS) offers a variety of presentations designed to provide valuable information and support on topics related to student accessibility and accommodations at ISU. Click the link below to view our different presentations to determine what would fit your needs best, then complete our request form to contact our office!

Presentation Options + Request Form

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