While many students can self-manage their food allergies and intolerances by using the resources we have available, the Special Diet Kitchen provides dietary accommodations to students with medically-indicated special diets that are difficult to self manage. It is the student's responsibility to initiate a dietary accommodation request. The student is required to follow the steps below and meet with the ISU Dining Dietitian to complete the request.
To connect with ISU Dining and get registered to eat in the Special Diet Kitchen, follow the steps below:
- Step #1: Complete the Housing and Dining Accommodation Request Form and Risk Waiver. Submit these two forms to the ISU Dining Staff Dietitian via email or mail at diningrd@iastate.edu
- Step #2: Contact Student Accessibility Services (SAS) by phone (515-294-7220) or via email (accessibility@iastate.edu) regarding your request. SAS will ask you to provide documentation from a qualified medical provider to assist in determining how to proceed with your dietary accommodation request. Learn how to begin the application process, submit documentation, and schedule a meeting with a coordinator HERE.
- Step #3: SAS staff will review the documentation sent from your medical provider, and they will be in contact with ISU Dining and/or the Department of Residence as soon as appropriate. It takes SAS approximately one week to review documentation for eligibility.
How to Request Dining Accommodations
To request dining accommodations, please follow the steps below:
- Submit the Housing and Dining Request Form
- Complete and submit the Housing and Dining Request Form online.
- Provide Medical Documentation
- Submit medical documentation that follows our Dining Documentation Guidelines.
Important Information
- Please note that if your condition can be self-managed at our dining centers, you may not be deemed eligible for access to the Special Diet Kitchen.
- Dietary Intolerances: SAS typically does not approve formal dining accommodations for intolerances, as dining centers are generally equipped to support these needs.
- If you have a dietary intolerance and would like support with utilizing the dining centers on campus, we encourage you to contact the ISU Registered Dietician for support.