Offices That Provide Additional Supports

There are many accommodation requests that our office may be able to handle or that are routed through other offices. See below to see where you should go for other supports!

    • Handicap Parking Sign at ISU

      Medical Parking Permits

      Parking Division

      Looking for parking accommodations or medical parking permits? Contact ISU Parking!

    • Female student standing in front of a coffee bar with arms crossed smiling as she works her shift

      ISU Employee Accommodations

      University Human Resources (UHR)

      Students who have a job on campus can get accommodations through UHR

    • Photo of red and yellow tulips on campus with a cyride bus driving by

      Accessible Transportation

      CyRide, Dial-a-Ride, and Safe-Ride

      Explore accessible transportation options provided on campus

    • Photo of girl with a hat and blanket around her shoulders, sneezing into a tissue.

      Standard Illnesses and Absences

      Class Excuse Policy

      Sick with a bad cold, the flu, COVID, or other illness?

    • A blue backdrop with a while speech bubble, showing a cut out of a envelope symbol with a res 1 in the top right corner, showing a notification

      Emergency Notifications and Supports

      The Office of Student Assistance

      Support for family emergencies, ER visits, and hospitalizations.

    • Pregnant woman sitting in a classroom reading a book

      Pregnancy Supportive Measures & Accommodations

      The Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO)

      Support for your pregnancy, childbirth, and lactation.

    • Photo of a man sitting on a cement ledge outside on his laptop smiling

      Course Registration Concerns

      Dropping a course, taking an incomplete, separating from the university, foreign language waver, and substitutions for courses.

    • Photo of a sunrise, orange and red with a dark blue sky and clouds

      Religious Accommodations

      The Office of Student Assistance

      If you are looking for an accommodation based on your religion, visit Student Assistance.

    • Photo of student at a coffee shop writing in a textbook with a laptop on their left wearing glasses and a sweatshirt

      Accommodations for Assistantships & Practicums

      Student Accessibility Services (SAS)

      Graduate Accommodations, Practicum Accommodations, Rotations Accommodations

    view of campus from up high during the fall showing multiple buildings and orange/red trees

    Cyclone Support

    Connect Across Campus

    Looking for other support? 

    We are here for you. Your time at Iowa State is expected to be fun and exciting, but sometimes, the college experience can become overwhelming. Iowa State is committed to supporting you inside and outside the classroom. 

    Look through every resource on campus or complete a self-assessment tool to see what services are recommended for you.