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Spring 2025 Finals Week
Important Deadlines
The EAC offers support for implementing exam accommodations. To use accommodations during finals and have the EAC proctor your exam, both students and instructors must meet specific deadlines. Click on each date below to see the requirements for both students and instructors before the deadline.
- Students must send out their official notification letters of accommodations to instructors no later than May 2nd to receive accommodations for finals.
- Students are also responsible for reaching out directly to their instructors as soon as possible to discuss the implementation of their accommodations.
- Students should contact instructors before the referral deadline (May 9) to allow time for accommodation planning. Last-minute requests may prevent instructors from providing accommodations.
- When contacted by students, instructors must be timely in their responses and discuss the plan for implementing accommodations in their course.
If the students miss the deadline for sending Notification Letters, the EAC and instructors are not responsible for providing accommodations for final exams.
- Instructors are responsible for submitting all information and materials correctly through EAC RegisterBlast no later than 5:00 pm on May 9th.
- Written exam files or hard copies must be submitted by 4 pm the day before testing.
- Students will receive an email when an instructor has referred them to the EAC.
- Students should follow up with their instructors before this deadline if they are not receiving this email.
- After receiving the referral email, students should wait a few days for the EAC to approve the exam before scheduling.
The EAC will deny any referrals that miss this deadline.
- The EAC is a service, and if an instructor fails to complete the form by the deadline, instructors are still responsible for providing approved accommodations.
- If students fail to reach out to their instructors in a timely manner before this deadline, instructors and the EAC are not responsible for providing accommodations for finals.
- Written Exams
- Students are responsible for scheduling their written exam appointments through RegisterBlast once their instructor has submitted the referral before May 10th at 5:00 pm.
- Walk-ins for written exams will be denied.
- Students are responsible for checking their Exam Accommodations Center Registerblast portal (blue banner) before this deadline to confirm they have scheduled correctly.
- Canvas Exams
- Students with Canvas exams may use the EAC’s walk-in procedure after the deadline, but due to high demand, they are strongly encouraged to schedule in advance.
- Students using the EAC for a Canvas Walk-in should arrive early enough to wait for a seat and finish their entire exam within operating hours. Late arrivals will not get their full allotted time, even if they were waiting for a seat to open.
- If the EAC is full with no available seats, it's the student's responsibility to find another option. The EAC and instructors are not responsible if a student can't walk in due to high demand.
The EAC and instructors are not responsible for making alternative arrangements for students who fail to schedule appropriately.

EAC Finals Block Schedule
Exams during finals week will be proctored according to the block schedule below:
- May 10th & 11th (Saturday and Sunday)
- Block 1: 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
- Block 2: 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
- May 12th -15th (Monday - Thursday)
- Block 1: 8:00 am - 11:00 am
- Block 2: 11:30 am - 2:30 pm
- Block 3: 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
- May 16th (Friday)
- Block 1: 8:00 am - 11:00 am
- Block 2: 11:30 am - 2:30 pm

New: ISU Testing Center Can Now Provide Select Accommodations
The ISU Testing Centers can accommodate exams with extended time or low distraction for Canvas exams.
- Students needing extended time can schedule at any testing center, and their appointment length will reflect the extended time.
- Instructors will still need to extend the time on Canvas for the exam.
- For students requiring a low-distraction environment, the newly renovated Carver Hall 0060 and Hixson-Lied 2242 are available and modeled after the EAC for a low-distraction environment.
Instructors can refer Canvas exams for students needing extended time and low-distraction accommodations to the regular ISU Testing Center. Students requiring low-distraction environments can then choose to schedule in one of the two designated low-distraction rooms listed above.
- Please note that these centers are only equipped to handle extended time and low-distraction settings. Additional accommodations beyond this are not supported in the ISU Testing Centers and instead should be referred to the Exam Accommodations Center or handled by the instructor.
- For students with only extended time or low distraction, your instructor may now have you scheduled in the regular testing centers; please pay close attention to communication about Canvas exam locations to ensure you are scheduling with the correct centers and rooms.
Alternative Testing Options for Accommodations
Wondering what other options there are for students and instructors trying to plan for exam accommodations?

EAC Finals Testing Locations
All final exams with the EAC will take place in the Hixson-Lied Student Success Center; however, due to the volume of exams happening during finals week, some exams will be proctored outside of the regular exam center in other rooms within the building.
Your testing location will be listed on your exam confirmation email, but if you are unsure of where to go, there will be an information desk in the main lobby of the Hixson-Lied building to help direct students.
What to Expect on Exam Day
EAC Policies for Students
The EAC follows strict guidelines to uphold the integrity of each exam. In order to test with the EAC, students must follow the policies below. The EAC will ask to check all materials you are bringing in to the testing location to ensure no additional materials are brought in.
- Drinks must be in clear, unlabeled bottles
- Any resources allowed by your instructor
- Any items you have approved accommodations for
- Unaltered ISU ID
Prohibited (unless approved with accommodations)
- Cell phones, watches (analog and digital), or other electronic devices
- Food or medicines
- Hats or hoods
- Pencil cases or bags
- Headphones/earplugs not provided by the EAC
- Scratchpaper not provided by the EAC
- Any materials/items that your instructor has not allowed
- Making excessive noise, moving around the room, sharing answers, or looking at other's exams
All Notes/Resources WILL be Collected
To uphold the integrity of exams taken in the EAC, our staff will collect ALL notes or resources brought into the exam UNLESS the exam is open note/book or the instructor specifically stated in the exam referral. This means that any notes that you bring in will be collected at the end of your exam, with no exceptions. This policy ensures that students with accommodation who take exams at different times from their peers cannot take notes about the exam out of the EAC. If you want to keep your notes, take a picture or scan them BEFORE you arrive for your test. You will not be allowed to keep them or take a picture after.
Bathroom Breaks/Leaving the Testing Location is NOT Allowed
Once you begin your exam, you cannot leave for any reason (unless you have an approved accommodation or your exam exceeds 4 hours). This means that taking the time to ensure you have everything with you and have gone to the bathroom is really important, especially during long final exams. Take a moment to ensure you are completely ready before entering, and do not drink a bunch of water ahead of time!
Checking In for your Exam
When you arrive at your testing location, check-in for the exam will begin around 15 minutes before testing time begins. Check in with your ISU ID, and place all prohibited items in the designated area for each testing location. Ensure your phone and other technology are off or silent, and gather your allowed testing materials. If needed, we have extra pencils, erasers, scratch paper, tissues, and earplugs. Collect what you need and meet with a proctor who will read your exam instructions. Find your seat and you are ready to begin!
Cheating: It's Not Worth It!
Any incidents of cheating will be dealt with promptly. Both cameras and proctors monitor the EAC. If a student is caught cheating, they will be removed from the exam room along with any prohibited materials. Proctors will confiscate the materials and document the student's progress at the time of removal. The student will be allowed to complete the exam without the prohibited materials. After the exam, the student will be taken into the EAC's main reception where both the instructor and Student Conduct will be notified via email to decide next steps, and the incident will be recorded in the system for future reference.

Referring Final Exams:
How-To for Instructors
Exam referrals provide the Exam Accommodations Center (EAC) with information on how to correctly proctor exams for a course. Information provided in the referral includes the names of students referred to our center, available dates for students to sign up for exams, allowed resources, and more. It is very important that exam referrals contain accurate, updated information so the EAC staff can effectively proctor exams.
Questions about exam referrals should be directed to the Exam Accommodations Center at or 515-294-5197
Continue reading to learn how to refer final exams to the EAC!
How to Refer Final Exams to the EAC
Instructor Tutorials
**If the Final exam that you are referring IS NOT scheduled during finals week, you can follow the regular referral linked here.
1. Students referred to the EAC must have approved accommodations that cannot be provided in the standard exam setting.
2. All students must be listed on the referral form to test in our center
3. Instructors have a legal responsibility to ensure exam accommodations are adequately arranged by following all relevant policies and procedures when using the EAC. If the instructor does not follow policy, they will be required to make alternative arrangements for accommodations.
4. All referrals must be submitted at least one week in advance for approval. Students can not make any appointments until the information is approved by our team.
5. Exam files or hard copies (not on canvas) must be submitted 12 hours prior to the testing date.
After instructors correctly refer exams to the EAC, it is the student's responsibility to schedule their exam following the EAC guidelines. The EAC and instructors are not responsible for students who do not schedule appropriately. Submitting a referral does not automatically schedule a student for an exam appointment.
If you have not used our center for your course this semester, follow this tutorial to add the Exam Accommodation Center to your Canvas Course menu. This allows both you and the students to use the software seamlessly within your course. If you have already done this earlier in the semester, skip this step!
Don’t forget!
The EAC does not have access to extend your Canvas exam’s time limit.
Our scheduling system will automatically assign the student extended time for their appointment, but it will not adjust the time limit on your Canvas-based exam. Instructors are responsible for manually extending the time limit for Canvas exams. Failure to do so may result in having to make alternative testing arrangements for the student. For a quicker process, follow this tutorial for step-by-step instructions!
Instructors with written exams do not need to complete this step.
Referring Students to the Wrong Testing Center
One common mistake is referring students to the ISU Testing Center (red banner) instead of the Exam Accommodations Center (blue banner), or implementing accommodations in the course. This can limit students to only receiving a few accommodations without access to other necessary supports. To ensure students receive all approved accommodations in the easiest way for you, review the exam proctoring options to identify which locations and supports are needed for each accommodation.
Not Enabling the Exams Accommodation Center Tab in Canvas
Instructors must enable the Exams Accommodation Center tab in Canvas. This step allows students to schedule their exams through our system. If the tab is not enabled, students will be unable to book their exams at the EAC, potentially causing delays in their accommodations.
Not Following EAC Scheduling Policies
It’s critical to adhere to the EAC’s scheduling policies. These guidelines allow the center to properly monitor and manage exams, ensuring that accommodations are met. Failure to follow these policies can result in improper exam monitoring or rejected referrals, forcing the instructor to manage accommodations independently.
Incorrect or Incomplete Exam Materials
Make sure to provide the correct exam materials for students with accommodations. For example, if a student requires text-to-speech accommodations, you must submit a printable version of new quizzes. Not doing so could prevent the EAC from delivering the necessary accommodations for the student’s exam.
Misunderstanding How RegisterBlast Handles Extended Time
While RegisterBlast automatically calculates and applies extended time for accommodated exams to the student’s appointments, you also need to adjust the exam length in Canvas. Canvas exams must be set up to reflect the extended time, as RegisterBlast only handles scheduling—not the actual exam duration in the platform.
Curious about how to modify a submitted referral? Need to add a student who provided their letter after your initial referral, or wondering how to access the written exam afterward?

Scheduling Final Exams
How-To for Students
It's crucial to plan ahead for finals when utilizing accommodations and the EAC. All written exams must be scheduled by 5 PM on December 14th. For Canvas exams, while you can utilize our walk-in procedure, we strongly recommend scheduling in advance. If you choose the walk-in option, please read the information below carefully to ensure you complete the process correctly. Your attention to these details is essential for a successful finals period.
Questions about exams should be directed to the Exam Accommodations Center at or 515-294-5197
Continue reading to learn how to schedule final exams at the EAC!
How to Schedule Final Exams with the EAC
Student Tutorials
If you have not yet used your accommodations in your course, first, ensure that you've notified your instructor about your accommodations by sending your Notification Letter before the deadline of December 6th.
Now it's time to discuss final exams!
Don’t wait until the last minute—your instructor’s deadline to submit referrals is December 13th, and they need time to prepare in advance.
Even if your instructor has been providing accommodations all semester, reach out again to confirm final exam arrangements, as plans can change or be overlooked.
Failing to have this conversation could result in you not receiving the accommodations you need, as it is your responsibility to initiate the discussion. Talk about the options for accommodated exams and clarify what your instructor will arrange.
The sooner you do this, the better—don’t wait until Prep Week!
Keep an eye on your ISU email for a confirmation from the EAC RegisterBlast system indicating that your instructor has referred you to the EAC.
This confirmation should arrive before December 13th, as that is the final day for instructors to submit referrals. Do not wait until December 13th to remind your instructor. If you haven't received your referral confirmation by December 9th, begin continually following up with your instructor. Contact our office if there are any issues.
Once you receive the confirmation email, please wait 48 hours before scheduling your exam (unless waiting would cause you to miss the scheduling deadline, which is December 14th at 5:00 p.m.). Our office needs time to approve the referral, and due to the high volume of requests, this may take a day or two.
The Exam Accommodations Center (EAC) allows a Canvas walk-in option for students, similar to the other testing centers on campus.
This option is available for those whose instructors have already referred their exam to the EAC. With this option, students will have the ability to take an exam without a pre-scheduled appointment. Before exam day, confirm that your instructor has referred you to the EAC by checking your Exam Accommodation Center account on Canvas.
Students can arrive on the day they wish to take the exam and register for a walk-in appointment. It is recommended students arrive early to ensure they have ample time to complete their exam before closing time. Walk-in options may be limited if we reach capacity. To avoid waiting or being turned away, please schedule your appointment in advance.
*All written exams must be scheduled by December 14th. Written walk-in exams will not be accepted.
*Failure to schedule on time or an inability to secure a slot due to capacity limits for walk-ins may result in the student not receiving accommodations. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule accordingly.
Scheduling with the Wrong Testing Center
Many students are mistakenly scheduling exams with the regular testing centers instead of the Exam Accommodations Center (EAC). Please note, the regular testing center and the EAC are entirely separate RegisterBlast systems with no connection.
To Avoid Confusion
- The regular testing center on RegisterBlast has a red banner, while the EAC uses a blue banner. Make sure you're looking for the blue!
- Always use the Canvas menu link labeled "Exam Accommodations Center" rather than the RegisterBlast website directly.
- Some students are also confusing the new regular testing center in our building with the EAC.
- Hixson 2242 (located on the top floor) is not the same as the EAC, which is on the main floor of the Hixson-Lied building.
Scheduling Without a Referral
Some students are attempting to schedule exams without their instructor’s referral or before it has been approved.
To ensure everything runs smoothly:
- Wait for your instructor to submit the exam referral and for the EAC to approve it before scheduling your exam.
- You will receive an email once your instructor has referred the exam.
- Wait approximately 48 hours after receiving this email before attempting to schedule finals, as the EAC must approve the referral first. If the referral is not approved, you will not be able to schedule your exam.
Late Accommodation Requests
If students delay discussing their accommodations with instructors, they risk not having accommodations in place in time for their exam.
To avoid this:
- Instructors must submit referrals to the EAC at least one week before the exam.
- Instructors are not expected to arrange exam accommodations with less than a week’s notice.
- Discuss your exam accommodations with your instructor as early as possible to ensure everything is properly set up, so you don’t miss out on your accommodations.
If you're scheduling your final exams at the EAC, check the following points to ensure everything is set up correctly:
- Verify with your instructor that they will be referring you to the EAC
- Double-check that you received an exam referral confirmation email through RegisterBlast for the EAC.
- (You may need to wait a couple of days after receiving this email before scheduling, as we must first approve the referral.)
- Check that you are trying to schedule on the EAC registerblast (blue website) not the ISU Testing Center’s registerblast (red website)
- Confirm the correct date, time, and duration of your exam.
- Ensure you've selected any necessary accommodations.
- Any unselected accommodations WILL NOT be provided
Full Blocks for Final Exams
If you cannot schedule during your preferred block, it may be full.
- CANVAS: If your exam is on Canvas and your instructor has submitted a referral to our center, you can still use the Canvas Walk-In Option during any final exam period. However, high-traffic times may create longer wait times for walk-ins; please ensure you arrive with extra time to wait if needed.
- WRITTEN: Once a block reaches full capacity, no additional exams can be scheduled for that time. Schedule during a different block with available times. If no times are showing, please call the EAC for options.
- SCHEDULING LATE: If you are trying to schedule after the deadline (Saturday, December 14th at 5:00 pm) you will not be able to. It is the student's responsibility to schedule prior to the deadline. Failure to schedule your exam before the deadline may result in not receiving accommodations.
Notice: Availability is subject to change quickly. Please schedule as soon as possible!
Reach out to the EAC immediately if you need assistance.
We can only help if you reach out. If you wait too long, we may be unable to fix the issue.
Call 515-294-5197 or email
Still have questions?
Contact the Exam Accommodation Center!