What is Neurodiversity?

Neurodiversity is a term that describes the diversity of human brains and minds. It recognizes that people naturally have different ways of thinking, learning, and processing information.

Our Goal: Facilitate connections between neurodivergent students and the various support services available on campus to aid in their successful integration and growth within the ISU college community.

Want to get connected with this program?

Learn more below!

Neurodiversity Support Opportunities

  • SAS Mentorship Program

    The Peer Mentoring Program pairs first-year Cyclones registered with accommodations through Student Accessibility Services (SAS) with current students with disabilities to assist with the transition to Iowa State. Mentors and mentees engage in weekly interactions, discussions, and activities to improve task initiation (e.g., talking to professors about accommodations, participating in group projects), self-regulation (e.g., self-accountability, coping skills, etc.), time management, and organization.

    This service has limited spots available each year. If you are interested in participating, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.


  • Social Opportunities

    Alliance for Disability Awareness (ADA):

    Our student organization advocates for accessibility and flexibility for all at ISU, practicing disability justice at our own pace, re-energizing with social events, and providing a supportive space for each other. Join other students with many disabilities to grow a community and advocate for your rights. If you are interested in joining or learning more, click the link below!

  • Coaching Supports

    Coaching is a one-on-one program where you meet weekly with a coach for an hour to work on academic goals related to succeeding in college life. Coaching can specifically target skills like time management, advocacy, procrastination, and much more through a personalized approach to meet your goals!

    If you are interested in participating, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Academic Success Center to get started!

  • Accountability Groups

    Recently established in the Fall of 2023, Accountability Groups are designed to support students who may struggle to independently maintain accountability in their academic responsibilities. Also led by the mentors, accountability groups are facilitated in a structured setting and promote focus and productivity. This method, also known as body doubling, will allow students to work and study in a space with few distractions and mentors to help. We aim to help boost motivation and productivity, learn helpful study tips, and develop positive academic habits.


Venn-Diagram with three sections overlapping. Coaching, Collaboration, and connection. The overlapping pieces show social skills group, executive function education, and first year experience. All of these land under the Neurodiversity support program